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The Architecture of Community

The Architecture of Community

The Architecture of Community

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The Architecture of Community


"This book is Mr. Krier's gift to the coming generations-who, otherwise, have been left saddled by us with little more than extravagant debts in every way you could imagine. They are going to have to inhabit what remains of this planet, along with whatever remains of its resources, when we are gone, and Mr. Krier's heroic, often lonely labors, have produced this indispensable beacon of principle and methodology to light their way home."--James Howard Kunstler "from the book's afterword ""This is the compendium of common sense that has flowed from Leon's pen for over forty years. From first to last, none of it has aged; and none of it will age. It is the one indispensable book on urbanism."--Andres Duany "co-founder of the Congress for the New Urbanism ""More than ever Krier has every right to claim our attention. We need him, in fact, as never before. He presents us with the lessons, if we would but take them, that come out of rediscovery. He celebrates the values that are knowable."--Robert A. M. Stern "from the book's foreword ""Long the inspiration of new urbanists, Léon Krier's work, now comprehensively gathered in this book, is still the best guide for designing buildings and communities."--Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk "co-founder of the Congress for the New Urbanism ""Leon Krier's The Architecture of Community is a primer on the fundamentals of the language of architecture and urbanism...Krier's childlike drawings, distilled captions and hornbook like aphorisms make this the perfect textbook with which to begin reclaiming our lost literacy."--Traditional Building"One of the most influential architects and urban theoreticians of the modern age, Krier has a clear idea of what's wrong with many of our urban development patterns--and he has a similarly clear idea about how those problems can be avoided in the future. His book is a collection of suggestions and proposals that make up a general theory for how to create traditional cities, towns and communities that are attractive, livable, and (hopefully) truly loved."--Planetizen"This book provides detailed drawings and images to illustrate the author's theories on classical urbanism and architecture, while providing practical guidelines for creating attractive, livable towns. The book also outlines a diagnosis and a cure, a critique and a project, and presents a common-sense approach to urban planning."--Abstracts of Public Administration

Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende

Born in 1946, Leon Krier is one of the most influential architects teaching and writing today. He has taught architecture and urbanism at the Royal College of Arts in London, and in the United States at Princeton University, Yale University, the University of Notre Dame, and the University of Virginia. He has worked extensively in Europe and North America and is currently consulting on projects in Guatemala, Romania, England, Belgium, Italy, France, and the United States. In 2003, he received the inaugural Richard Driehaus Prize for Classical Architecture.


Taschenbuch: 496 Seiten

Verlag: Island Press; Auflage: 2nd None ed (1. Juli 2011)

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-10: 1597265799

ISBN-13: 978-1597265799

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

15,9 x 2,8 x 25,4 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

5.0 von 5 Sternen

1 Kundenrezension

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 47.946 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)

Nachdem Architektur- Freiheit oder Fatalismus erschienen ist, gibt es hier nur wenig neues.Die meisten der bereits dort publizierten Schriften werden in diesem Kompendium des Architekten nochmals versammelt. Da aber in den letzten Jahren viele Projekte des Architekten realisiert werden konnten, ist das vorliegende eine notwendige anschauliche Ergänzung des Lehrbuchs.Weiterhin hat das Buch biographische Züge, die Entwicklung aus der modernen Abstraktion durch die Kritik zum vollständigen eigenwilligen klassischen Stil, läßt sich läßt sich am Buch sehr gut nachvollziehen, ebenso die Notwendigkeit der polemischen Kritik, Spiel und Experiment weniger zur Provokation, als vielmehr zur Weiterentwickling der Persönlichkeit und der Sache ansich.Also wieder ringsum ein sehr schönes wichtiges Buch.

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